Here are a couple of tips you can apply starting today to make your muscles happier.
Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every single day (i.e., if you weigh 150 lbs., drink 75 ounces). This will help your body transport much-needed electrolytes and minerals to your muscles to help them function properly. Plus, it will make it easier to flush out the waste from your muscles.
Warm-up before you work out or do any intense activity. Do some bodyweight exercises, squats, lunges, arm and leg swings, and movements that mimic what you’ll be doing for exercise.
“Cold” muscles (i.e., without a lot of blood flow due to being warmed up) are not as pliable … and that means they are more prone to injury! -
Make time for flexibility. It can be tempting to shrug off flexibility work because it doesn’t seem as productive as a workout that makes you sweat. The fact is, if you want to be even more effective during your workouts, it’s important to be able to use full range of motion during your exercises. Flexibility helps with this!
Plus … if you want to stay limber and agile as you get older, you definitely want to get a headstart on that now! Spend a few minutes stretching out after your workout, or at night as part of your evening routine. -
Eat a balanced diet packed with whole foods (proteins, healthy fats, and healthy carbs). These will give your muscles the fuel to power through your daily activities, as well as the nutrients necessary to recover, repair, and grow.
Stay Fit! Stay Fabulous!